Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Very Stable Genius's week of Twitter toxicity

In the past few days, he's blown past all his previous records for sweeping generalizations, misplaced priorities, pettiness, incitement of mob behavior, and unadulterated nastiness.

There was this bit of drive-by hyperbole and veiled threat:

The Radical Left is in total command & control of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google. The Administration is working to remedy this illegal situation. Stay tuned, and send names & events. Thank you Michelle!
The "Michelle" in question is Michelle Malkin, who for years had well-earned bona fides in the conservative world, having done some admirable investigative journalism, having started several still-thriving sites that now have new owners,  written for National Review, and having appeared regularly on Fox News and at gatherings such as CPAC and Americans for Prosperity's Defending the American Dream Summit. Alas, of late she's burned those bridges, having engaged in public snits with former associates, preferring instead the company of the likes of alt-rightie Nick Fuentes.  The tweet that the Very Stable Genius shares in his own tweet above is a video of her ranting at some recent event, but it was taken down before I had a chance to watch it.

And then there's there's the "total command & control" touch. Total? Twitter gives you free rein to spew the kinds of things being enumerated here.

Then there's his retweeting of a tweet by Kevin Vesey, a reporter for News 12,  a Long Island news channel, which also contained a video clip from an open-the-economy-up-right-now rally, at which  Vesey  is set upon by the maskless protestors and insulted and berated at close range.  The VSG put his own spin on Vesey's reportage:

People can’t get enough of this. Great people!
The VSG demonstrated where his priorities lie in this time of national crisis with two tweets with the theme that he's a paragon of nobility for having made governors around the nation "look good":

We’ve done a GREAT job on Covid response, making all Governors look good, some fantastic (and that’s OK), but the Lamestream Media doesn’t want to go with that narrative, and the Do Nothing Dems talking point is to say only bad about “Trump”. I made everybody look good, but me!

Remember this, every Governor who has sky high approval on their handling of the Coronavirus, and I am happy for them all, could in no way have gotten those numbers, or had that success, without me and the Federal Governments help. From Ventilators to Testing, we made it happen!
But this has to be the week's number-one example of his poisonous influence on post-America's culture and politics:

When will they open a Cold Case on the Psycho Joe Scarborough matter in Florida. Did he get away with murder? Some people think so. Why did he leave Congress so quietly and quickly? Isn’t it obvious? What’s happening now? A total nut job!
He's referencing the death of an intern who worked in his office when he was a Congressman in 2001.

A response from Eugene Gu, MD sums up the actual circumstances:

 It’s extraordinarily cruel to falsely accuse Joe Scarborough of murdering his intern Lori Klausutis. According to the autopsy report, she had “a floppy mitral valve disease” which caused a cardiac arrhythmia that made her lose consciousness and hit her head. Nobody murdered her.
So there you have it.

No amount of "but judges" or "but deregulation" or pointing out the great moves such as pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord and the JCPOA and recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital can make up for the terrifying spectacle of a person totally unfit to be US president demonstrating that unfitness in these ways.

Those policy accomplishments would have happened with an actual conservative with a maturity level over age nine, of which there were several in the 2016 field of Republican candidates.

And, as I say, not only are these outbursts disgusting in and of themselves, but they show where his attention is focused at a time of national crisis.

And do not construe this as an endorsement for Joe Biden. He's unfit for the office as well. 

And I reserve the right to not have to say a damn word about how I will - or maybe won't - vote in November. This isn't about that. The first step is to acknowledge just how late in the day it is.


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