Thursday, January 30, 2020

Three stories for the death-rattle-of-Western-civilization file

It's still a few minutes before 7 AM and I've just begun my perusal of news stories and analysis pieces. But in that short time I've already come across these stories:

In a time when the nation's focus is on how the impeachment process is going to conclude, and what a good economy means for this year's political twists and turns, it's important to remember that identity-politics jackbootery has not gone away. Those who would passively-aggressively assume the victim pose are still ruining the rollout of works of fiction - and serving notice to Oprah that she better examine her wokeness level, and quick - as well as further destroying the university's role as the transmitter of the works and ideas that make Western civilization a unique blessing to humankind, and creating an environment in which federal legislators are seriously deliberating whether proprietors of privately owned organizations can set their own standards for appearance.

They're able to do this without really getting very physical about it. No roving gangs a la Mao's Cultural Revolution, no reeducation camps al a Pol Pot's Khner Rouge regime, no firing squads a la Che Guevara's way of handling "diversity" in the early days of Cuba's revolutionary regime.

No, the bedrock institutions of American life are now so peopled with cowards that a little diversity-and-inclusion-speak on social media, at board meetings and faculty meetings and on the Senate floor is sufficient to intimidate them into complete acquiescence. And contrition. "Thank you for pointing out our blindness. We'll now take time for some soul-searching."

I want to close on this note, though: Trumpism is inadequate to address this. Not because Trump or his slavish devotees are racist - they're not - but because they actually elevate ignorance of history and the West's defining ideas to a virtue. They lack the core set of principles that would make it possible to mount a real resistance. You can't "own the libs" on social media and make this go away. The Left has rotted our culture beyond recognition, and there doesn't seem to be a bridge back to terrain on which it would be recognizable.

It is so very late in the day.

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