Friday, June 14, 2019

Friday roundup

Ilhan Omar was married to one guy but filed joint tax returns with another guy.

Andrew Napolitano's take on the I--think-I'd-take-it remark is pretty unequivocal:

Asked for his reaction to Trump's comments, Napolitano said on Fox News's "Shepard Smith Reporting" that Trump's remarks showed the president is "prepared to commit a felony to get reelected."
Some Fortune 160 CEOs speak plainly about the impact of tariffs:

US president Donald Trump’s trade wars are hurting American companies and threaten the stability of the global economy, a group of Fortune 500 CEOs told reporters in Washington, DC today.
Some companies are suffering more than others.
All of the gains that Indiana engine-maker Cummins received from Trump’s 2017 corporate tax cut will be lost this year to the extra tariffs the company now must pay, said Cummins CEO Tom Linebarger.
“The taxes from tariffs have now outgrown the benefits from the tax reform act,” Linebarger said at a meeting arranged by the Business Roundtable, an executive group that aims to influence policy. “Our net taxes are higher now.”

Linebarger spoke alongside JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon and IBM CEO Ginni Rometty. Dimon called the gathering an attempt to “educate” politicians and voters about the impact of the trade tariffs, as well as other White House policy.
The CEOs openly criticized the president’s reliance on tariffs as a diplomatic tool, and said the White House wasn’t taking corporate America’s advice on the situation. Linebarger said he was particularly alarmed that the White House mingled security policy and trade policy. 
In the capital of soul music, a riot broke out last night because Memphis police, in their attempt to arrest a 20-year-old guy with several felony warrants, had to deal with and the dude ramming their patrol cars and then getting out of his own car and brandishing a weapon, shot him.

Let's not be coy here. The rioters were rioting because of the guy's skin color.

Which was the same card played in the Oberlin College - Gibson's Bakery case, but there the jury wasn't buying it:

Oberlin College in Ohio will have to pay a nearby bakery more than $11 million in damages because it libeled the store, tagging it as racist, and interfered with its business, a jury said on Friday.
Gibson's Bakery came under fire after Allyn Gibson, the owners' son, got into a physical altercation with a black student who reportedly tried shoplifting and using a fake ID at the store, The Chronicle-Telegram said. Two other black students got involved, appearing to prompt accusations of racial profiling.
The three students eventually pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges and read statements defending Allyn Gibson's right to detain them. They also read statements claiming that his actions weren't racially motivated, but within days of the incident, students were turning out for protests fueled by accusations of racist intent.
The jury found the school and Oberlin's vice president and dean of students, Meredith Raimondo, guilty of libel after Raimondo allegedly helped pass out flyers claiming that the bakery was "racist" and had a history of "racial profiling and discrimination."
And while we're on that subject, check out this in-depth look at Meredith Raimondo, Oberlin's dean of students, assistant to the president for equity, diversity and inclusion, and "comparative American studies" professor. She's a real humdinger. She checks off such social-justice jackboot boxes as antisemitism, defining triggers so as to include "a smell, song, scene, phrase," and "academic" exploration of "intersecting structures of race, gender, class, sexuality, ability and citizenship." From the accompanying photos, you can see that she's quite a fetching lass, too!

How far did the pathetic appeasement of Iran go in the run-up to the JPCOA? The UK Daily Telegraph says British officials hid a Hezbollah bomb plot from the public. 

Here's an example of what I was talking about yesterday. We must not permit ourselves to become inured to this kind of thing: The Cartoon Network is using the Powerpuff Girls to promote Pride Month. 

1 comment:

  1. Fetching, maybe--as long as she doesn't bring it back.
