Friday, April 12, 2019

They're always going to keep validation just out of your reach

Followers of Barney and Clyde, the fortnightly podcast I cohost with libertarian Clyde Myers, know that we have a few regular segments and are scouting about for more that we could include.

I just suggested to Clyde that we consider one called "You'll Never Be Woke Enough."

Examples abound. The phenomenon follows a discernible pattern. A social-justice term is coined, and spineless members of what is deemed to be a demographic that needs to puke all over itself to prove that it understands its guilt do indeed so puke. But it's never sufficient. And the Left coins yet another term so as to move the goalpost.

Exhibit A: how "white fragility" has followed on the heels of "white privilege":

Sociologist Robin Di Angelo, one in the endless line of perpetually bored, arrogant and/or ignorant "experts" on race, coined the term "white fragility" in 2011. It was overlooked initially (and for good reason: It's stupid). But naturally, it has picked up steam along with the political career of Donald Trump. After Trump won the presidency in 2016, the Oxford Dictionaries put the term on its short list for word of the year. Last week, it was added to, defined as "the tendency among members of the dominant white cultural group to have a defensive, wounded, angry, or dismissive response to evidence of racism."
For the love of God. Really?

Imagine how these politically correct lexicographers would faint at altering this term for people of color: "black fragility," "Latino fragility," "Inuit fragility." But as usual, the white majority is singled out as perpetually unaware of its skin "privilege."

In 2017, the Oxford Dictionaries wrote about an instance of "white fragility" where, at diversity-training session for police officers in suburban Plainfield, Indiana, Captain Carri Weber presented an academic finding that said transgender people of color are about 2.5 times more likely to be assaulted by police than white non-transgender people. Captain Scott Arndt reacted defensively and said, "Most of the people I know have never ... accused the police of violence," and Weber replied, "'Cause of your white male privilege, so you wouldn't know."
There is the case of the vapors that the Civilization Destroyers is getting over an NBC reporter using male pronouns to refer to Bradley Manning in a story about his providing classified information to Julian Assange. Even if one is inclined to indulge the delusion that Manning is now "Chelsea," he was going by Bradley at the time he was involved in his seditious activities. It would seem to me that it would be journalistically proper to depict him as a male in reportage of that period.

But no:

Many social media commenters were outraged, voicing their frustration with Dilanian after the segment.
“That’s not ok,” said Media Matters LGBTQ program director Brennan Suen, of Dilanian misgendering Manning.
Another accused the journalist of being “transphobic.”
“There is absolutely zero reason to use her deadname,” Evan Greer, a self-proclaimed “queer activist” tweeted. According to Healthline, deadnaming “occurs when someone, intentionally or not, refers to a person who’s transgender by the name they used before they transitioned.”
The Human Rights Campaign, which touts itself as “the largest LGBT civil rights advocacy group and political lobbying organization in the United States,” has said that journalists should “respect transgender people by using the names and pronouns they use in daily life.”
The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation’s (GLAAD) media guide strikes a similar tone. 
Sorry, jackboots, but I just can't bring myself to speak of Kaitlyn Jenner winning decathlon gold medals in the 1970s.

This sleight of hand allows the likes of Sandy the architect's daughter from Westchester County to turn indignation at Ilhan Omar's dismissive characterization of 9/11 into an exercise in identity-politics warfare:

On Thursday afternoon, AOC decided to weigh in. She told reporters that, “We are getting to the level where this is an incitement of violence against progressive women of color and if they can’t figure out how to get it back to policy, we need to call it out for what it is because this is not normal.”
Okay, let’s get a handle on what’s happening here. Anti-Semite Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) reduces an American tragedy to “some people did something.” This is the same as calling the attack on Pearl Harbor a Japanese training exercise. She gets called out for it. Then her great pal, media darling AOC, leaps to her defense by perverting the facts and turning this into an insult to progressive women of color.
Democrats have this great ability to transmogrify any act of wrongdoing on their part into an offense against them. Usually, as AOC has done in this case, they portray themselves as the victims of those racist Republicans. They have been disrespected and are owed an apology.
So here's a memo, not only to the overtly virtue-signalling members of the "dominant" demographic eager to wear their guilt like a badge of status, but those who inwardly hate what is happening to post-America but lack the spine to speak up when faced with situations in their own lives requiring pushback: Give up trying to placate the jackboots. You'll never be woke enough. They'll keep the validation you've been convinced you need just out of your reach.

A further memo to the second group mentioned in the paragraph above: Wage war against this instead of letting it slide.

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