Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The VSG's Oval Office speech: clarifying, but almost assuredly not a needle-mover

He behaved himself and brought up a number of important facts. America has no problem welcoming immigrants if they come in legally. The current waves of people flooding up to the southern border are increasingly from Central America rather than Mexico, and increasingly women and children, exploited and abused by cartel mules and human traffickers. The wall, whatever form it would ultimately take, needs to be supplemented with a number of technological measures, border agents and immigration judges.

The Democrats' depiction of his demeanor as "pounding the table" rings hollow in this case.

Particularly heartening was, as mentioned above, his framing of the wall as one component of the overall issue. It thankfully diminishes the symbolic value of that component, at least for those who correctly assert that illegal immigration is a very big problem.

There's also the rank hypocrisy on the Democrats' part. Everyone is now familiar with Chuck Schumer's 2009 "illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple" speech. This is now clearly about opposing Trump because he's Trump. (A tactic the Left also tries to use on actual conservatives who always have found and still find the Very Stable Genius overwhelmingly objectionable. Sorry, but he's overseen the implementation of a number of policies that we applaud.)

So there will be no major shift in the shutdown situation today, or this week, or this month.

And that's mainly because Democrats have shifted further Left and now have no use for national sovereignty, but lots of use for hordes of new, grateful voters - voters who, to put it plainly, aren't supposed to be voting or even to be here.

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