Tuesday, August 11, 2015

These guys were supposed to be the face of post-America's ISIS policy

We were told that the moderate, anti-Assad, Anti-ISIS Syrian fighters we'd train would number in the thousands. There were sixty. Some were killed and then they numbered 54.

Now that mighty assemblage is getting cold feet:

The remaining US-trained fighters are now refusing to fight, saying they were misled by the Obama administration.
Aljazeera reported:
Syrian fighters trained by the United States are now refusing to fight.
In the past few days, five of the US backed recruits have been detained by the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front. A sixth recruit has reportedly been killed.
The US-backed group, Division 30, is accusing the Pentagon of misrepresenting its mission.
The fighters say they signed up to battle the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), not the al-Nusra Front.
The group is also opposed to US air strikes carried out on al-Nusra Front fighters in recent days.
In a statement, the Pentagon denied it distorted its battle plan.
The 54-strong rebel unit, trained and equipped by the Pentagon, was inserted into Aleppo province in mid-July as part of US plans to forge a moderate force for the campaign against the ISIL.
But despite al-Nusra’s fierce hostility of ISIL, fighters from the Division 30 soon came under attack by the al-Qaeda loyalists, who believe that the US-backed battalion would end up battling them. Al-Nusra is considered a terrorist organisation by the US and other Western countries.

Somebody's not giving us the straight skinny.


  1. And it's our fault they do not want to fight their own fight? One lesson of Korea and 'Nam was we can field a force forciblly where we have the authorized use of such force by law in our government of laws not men that we try our best to spread, even by force.

  2. What is your point? Is the training of this "force" outside the purview of what is currently authorized?

    Here's LITD's point: There appears to be no Syrian element capable of taking on ISIS, and ISIS has to be defeated as close to immediately as possible.

  3. If they want to be lovers, not fighters, draft their asses and see how that works out. I just don't think the US has the legal authority to draft any but American citizens and you know many of us are weary of the feckless fight and our young people might be included in this group.

  4. So why do you want us to fight all the others' fights? That is part of the problem with our losing all our "engagements" since WWII,unless you can point out one we've achieved a decisive victory in.

  5. It's our fight. The jihadists intend to conquer us and murder any of us who don't submit.
