Monday, February 16, 2015

Why the Most Equal Comrade must be thwarted and Bibi's warning must be heeded

The dictator of post-America is our enemy and the prime minister of Israel is the West's best friend:

The problem is not just that Obama detests Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. As William Kristol describes in his most recent column, the real trouble is much more fundamental: The reason Netanyahu bothers Obama so much is that Netanyahu has the gall to fight for Israel’s just interests and for Israel’s survival. Even worse, from Obama’s perspective, is that Netanyahu believes in and defends not only Israel’s Jewishness but also its Western-ness. Against Obama’s rather obvious belief that the West has been, in world affairs, at least as much oppressor as liberator, Netanyahu fully embraces the values that animate the whole of Western Civilization.
To keep Netanyahu from fighting for the West, Obama will try to destroy him politically, sending his minions to run a campaign in Israel against him. Yet that’s not the worst of it. After all, Netanyahu is more a master of Israeli politics than anything Obama can throw at him — besides, Israel will remain Israel even if Netanyahu loses the March elections. The worse way in which Obama works against the interests of the West is that he does not merely appease Iran — he seeks to partner with it.
Amazingly, Obama clearly sees Iran not as a mortal enemy but as a long-term force for stability in the region. Thus it is that Obama seems not only undisturbed by Iran’s continuing nuclear development but indeed welcoming of it, even though Iran is also developing missile capability with which it might launch the nukes. David Rothkopf — hardly a raving right-winger or war hawk, put it this way in Foreign Policy recently: “It is quite possible that, by the time Obama leaves office, no other country on Earth will have gained quite so much as Iran. . . . The United States is changing the terms of its relations with Iran and triggering a strengthening of that country economically and politically.”

Quite a legacy, but then, after the EMP attack, in what kind of forum will that even be discussed?


  1. Obama does not owe Nettie any more respect than Nettie gives him. The hate is mutual.

  2. Is Nettie some kind of shoo-in to be reelected? He must be, your linked author calls him a Master of Israeli politics. As well he should be, noone would begrudge him that. Some just bristle at his attempts to master American politics. We have to fight, die and lose our children for his country because it is said it embraces the values that animate western the WHOLE of Western Civilization? That's OK, no thanks, we still have plenty of Netties here stateside.

  3. Hard not to hate someone forming a a strategic alliance with a nation committed to obliterating your nation.
