Monday, February 23, 2015

Couldn't she have seen this coming?

As I've said before, hypocrisy doesn't generally excite me.  A person either espouses right principles or wrong ones, and whether he or she doesn't live up to them is secondary at best to those principles' worth.

So it's mainly with bemusement that I learn that Hillary, who makes inequality a pillar of her for-public-consumption worldview, paid female staff 72 cents to male staffers' dollar.

Mainly, it seems to me, it brings into question her judgement.  I mean, before she went and opened her yap should she not have considered the pay structure within her organization?  Really, it amazes me the extent to which public figures do not take proactive measures to cover their tail ends.

I really don't care that Hillary's pay structure was what it was.  Perhaps she had learned what studies have borne out for some time:  Women place greater priority on balance in their lives and therefor take more time off for family.

But before these noble visionaries for justice indulge in self-congratulatory preening and haranguing of Da Man, you'd think they'd look at their own realms and see if maybe keeping their pie holes shut might not be the better option.

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