Saturday, March 16, 2013


Just deleted my latest post in the course of trying to put up a post with a YouTube video.

Sorry about that.


  1. You just deleted my heart wrenching response to your admonitions to my governmentally schooled grandprogeny. It is too late in the day to bother to reproduce it. Screw the ideological conflicts and all this crap about oil. Onward to the water wars. (You'd have to have read the post to know what I am talking about).

  2. Plus, it is now 8:54 am EST. Why not fix your clock here now? You are continually showing it's earlier in the day than it really is.

  3. I do remember what you said you'd ask them about being treated by a doctor - whether they considered it a right or a privilege. The ultimate straw-man false choice. It's neither. It's just an economic transaction.
