Friday, March 2, 2012

The Sandra Fluke situation

1.) The MSM, leftist shill machine that it is, was obviously going to automatically make hay out of Rush Limbaugh's remarks, the MEC's call to Fluke, and Fluke's reaction to both of those phenomena.

2.) Pub Congressional leaders and prez candidates were pretty much forced into a position of having to denounce Rush's remarks.

3.) Michelle Malkin is correct that the most salient point about Rush's remarks is that they were off the mark. Fluke is a show pony for the whole push to make contraception a front-burmer "women's issue." (And he mentioned this on today's show.) Fluke is also, to the extent that her testimony was her initiative, a pathetic case of a perpetual adolescent wanting the tooth fairy to assume responsibility for her self-indulgence.

4.) That said, we now live in a time when you invite all manner of vitriol to be heaped upon you if your reaction is, "Wait a minute, she's not even married. What does she need all that contraception for?"

5.) John Hawkins is also right when he says that "you don't have a 'right' to anything that other people have to pay to provide for you," and "
When you demand that other people fund your sexual escapades by buying your contraception, your sex life becomes their business."

UPDATE: Well, well, turns out she's a hardcore leftist activist.

1 comment:

  1. If you don't want or can't afford to get pregnant, don't screw.
