Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Feigned pity - one of the essential tools in the FHer toolkit

There are two tiers to leftism. The top tier is occupied by those who know exactly what the game is. Sometimes these folks start out on the bottom tier, motivated by a genuine desire to impose "fairness" on the world, but once they get a taste of power, the cynicism sets in, and the power becomes an end in itself.

The second tier is occupied by the tofu-and-sprout munchers, the Unitarians, the junior-high teachers that serve as faculty advisors to the Environment Club, all your annoying Facebook "friends," the poverty-law attorneys, those in charge of what magazines are sold at the check-out stations at the health-food store. You get the idea.

Even this bunch has to wind up kidding itself, though. They have to work up feigned pity for the supposedly beleagured demographics they champion. Who, for instance, really believes that a Latino or African-American citizen of the United States can't come up with a photo ID to present at a voting location?

Attorney General Eric Holder clearly belongs to the first tier, but he is a master at pulling the strings of feigned pity to get the second tier to sing his song. It's up to us to point out the hollowness of his opposition to voter ID laws in the various states. Hell, black voter registration went up in Georgia after it enacted such a law - more than it did in Mississippi, which has no such law.

"War on women," opposition to the notion that voters should have to prove that they are who they say they are . . . it will be interesting to see which demographic becomes the recipient of their feigned pity next.

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