Friday, December 30, 2011

Elmer Gantry on the deck of the cruise ship

In the course of poking around the Web, I came across a fantastic blog I highly recommend to anyone for whom New Age "spirituality" is a teeth-grinder.

The blogmistress is a delightfully sharp and astringent writer who calls herself - in what should be obvious irony - Cosmic Connie. Her main thrust is exposing the charlatans who take millions of dollars of Americans' money dispensing the most infantile and obvious-to-anyone-who-is-not-desperate-to-find-a-way-out-of-the-consequences-of-their-bad-life-choices hooey and build personality cults on the premise that it is not about them - no, sir, he or she is just the person behind the podium in the hotel ballroom through whom the "entity" comes - but rather about "source energy." Never mind the rock-star adulation pulsating through the room.

Among the other ills that are currently besetting America, perhaps the most alarming is gullability. We are willing to swallow the notion that "channeled entities" - or "received beings," if you'd rather - have some kind of profound gems of insight to hand to us, much like we are willing to believe that Manhattan will be submerged in ten years if we don't switch en masse to electric cars and solar panels, or that food stamps and unemployment benefits stimulate the economy.

As I say, her writing style is funny and provocative, and she does her homework. Check in often, if thsi is an area of interest to you.

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