Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Not so fast - today's edition

Remember last week when everybody got positively giddy about the latest deal for bailing out Greece?

Well, today, financial markets around the world are tumbling on news that Greece will hold a referendum on whether to go with the deal.


  1. Accentuate the negative again, nary a mention when they soar, only when they tank. So grateful you are as miniscule as me lest your prophesies be self-fulfilled.

  2. THe Greek situation is the clearest example - well maybe one of the two clearest examples, along with this Occupy Wall Street nonsense - of the moral rot of the West. Here are the successful European banks and countries busting hteir nut to try to figure out a way to keep Greece from going completely kabust, and their response is, "Well, let us put it to a vote. After all, you're asking us to inconvenience outselves quite a bit."

  3. A big big reason for the plunge in the Dow today is more chickens coming home to roost with derivatives.
    Say MF Global, MF'r.

  4. Because the bail out money goes to banks and the insurers of bank loans, that's what the derivative stuff is all about. Bankers banking on profit, not losses, lousy betting in this casino gaming that goes on nationally and internationally. Lotsa people get hurt. If it's not greed, well, what is it? These banker folks don't exactly live lives of the saints you know.

  5. Your linked article under a more recent thread which again gloats that there is no $$$ (to fund commie social insurance and other programs) says it well here in one sentence:

    "The details differ from Greece, but the linkage between the government and the banks is the common factor." --GERALD P. O'DRISCOLL JR.
