Thursday, November 10, 2011

Regardless of how the state-run media organs and the regime's minions try to paint him, he's a principled champion of freedom and prosperity and a success at implementing those principles

They can butcher Rick Perry's recent New Hampshire speech until there's no context left and they can try to make last night's debate gaffe into some kind of fatally pivotal moment, but they can't make him quit his run for the presidency.


  1. His God will deal with His anointed prophet but so will the electorate. Toldja a year ago in your other blog'svpages Ih didn't think that he came off as very intelligent on Bill Bennet's show. His fellow candidateschewed him up too.

  2. Nor do I typing on my cell phone...

  3. It's pretty clear that he's not going to be the nominee, but he's been a fabuluous governor.
