Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Why we call them Western civilization-haters

Ben Shapiro succinctly yet incisively nails it. This is exactly why the hard Left, radical Palestinians, and jihadists of both the Sunni and Iran-bloc stripe cannot stand the fact that the US recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel:

What drives the leftist press's coverage? Simply put, antipathy to the West. Israel is seen as an outpost of colonialism by leftists, and has been since the 1967 war. Then-President Barack Obama expressed the view well in his 2009 speech in Cairo, suggesting that Israel's rationale relied on its "tragic history" that "culminated in an unprecedented Holocaust." In this view, the Palestinians were shunted aside in favor of providing national reparations to Jews; the Jews took their Western ways into the heart of a foreign region.

This isn't true. The living proof of that is Israel's eternal connection to Jerusalem. That's why both radical Muslims (including the Palestinian leadership) and the far left deny Israel's historic bond with its homeland and hope desperately to stop public recognition of that bond. If Israel exists because Jewish connection pre-existed everything else, then Israel isn't a new outpost of the West; it's the oldest center of the West. That's why Trump's announcement is important: It's a recognition that the West was founded on Jerusalem, rather than the other way around.

Peace will come when everyone recognizes what Trump has recognized: The Jewish connection to Jerusalem is unbreakable. And peace will come when Israel's enemies realize that violence can't change that underlying fact.

It's not just the capital of the Jewish state. It's the oldest center of the West. It predates Athens and Rome.

And it signifies the foundation for the representative-democracy concepts, and beginnings of philosophy, science and Western art that Athens and Rome bestowed on us.

That foundation is God's covenant with humankind. The rest stems from that.

And that's why, to Leftists and radical Muslims, the fact that it remains a Western city is intolerable.


  1. God's covenant with humankind at one time. That's when He was telling Abraham to kill his own son and way before He sent His only begotten son to die on a cross his chosen ones nailed Him to.

  2. But the new covenant goes out of the old one. Jesus of Nazareth was a Jew.
    I'm aware of the school of thought that says that the new covenant means we don't have to contemplate the significance of Jewish history up to that time, but I think of such instances as the way Jesus went through all the prophesies pointing to his time on Earth to the two guys walking along the road to Emmaus. Or the Transfiguration.

  3. Ben Shapiro is a crazed Zionist Jew. While I certainly don't place myself among the crazed Apocalyptic Christians, here's a piece by one who can set you straight on Ben Shapiro. And, since Trump has hitched our wagon to the fate of Israel, we could be in for the fight of our lives, not that I'm afraid for my children and grandchildren, though I am, but because it's all unnecessary, based on a pile of hokum.

    "There are many who have great respect for Ben Shapiro. I do. He’s impressive, a knowledgeable man, relatively lawful, moral, intelligent, instantly recalls many facts from memory, and reasons on many matters with clarity, wisdom, and judgment. He seems to responsibly deal in fact to back his opinions and conclusions. He’s an eloquent speaker and marvelous debater. He makes a lot of sense. More could be said.

    So it seems amazing and disappointing when we find Ben Shapiro speak on Jesus Christ and the Bible, the two sections of which he refers to as the “prequel” (Old Testament) and the “sequel” (New Testament). He doesn’t believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, or Yeshua HaMashiach. Understandably, as the world turns, Ben speaks as an indoctrinated Orthodox Jew with contradiction and ignorance, repeating falsehoods about Jesus Christ. This kind of assaults the impression of Ben Shapiro as being factual and objective, doesn’t it?"

  4. The author of the link you cite doesn't call Shapiro a "crazed Zionist jew" by any means, but rather a "knowledgeable man, relatively lawful, moral, intelligent, instantly recalls many facts from memory, [who] reasons on many matters with clarity, wisdom, and judgment." It's pretty clear that "crazed" stuff is something you've added to the mix.

    And if these guys are the last word in what Shapiro, and by inference Jews in general have wrong about Christian cosmology, why does Shapiro hire the great Christian pundit Matt Walsh to write for his Daily Wire website?

    Sound a whole lot to me like you'd like to draw me in to a pissing match about the relationship between Judaism and Christianity.

    Sorry. Not taking the bait.

    Whenever I seen a pissing match coming on, I know the other person has some toxic desire to defend an utterly wrong position.

  5. Here's a Townhall column Shapiro wrote in 2003 entitled "Why Christianity is Good for America."

  6. Utterly wrong is in the soul of the beholder.

  7. Let's get back to basics. Is Shapiro wrong about Jerusalem being the oldest center of the West?

  8. No, but what's the oldest center in the Midwest? Probably the site of some Indian burial mound somewhere. Ahh, but I realize Native Americans are probably the most shunned by Jehovah along with the African Negro with some validity lent to the Australian Aboriginal plight as well. If the last shall indeed be first, watch out on your way to the Kingdom.

  9. You say it's "the hard Left, radical Palestinians, and jihadists of both the Sunni and Iran-bloc stripe" that "cannot stand the fact that the US recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel," Where's that place England, France, Germany, over half of Americans (according to a recent poll) and the rest of the world that continues to place Israel on their list of unpopular countries? Maybe they can stand it, because what choice do they have? Trump and Nettie have spoken. When you flash the bird to the rest of the world they may want your ass....

  10. You don't refrain from doing what is right just because somebody might get mad. But you also don't let them lob Molotov cocktails at you.

  11. It's not that simple. Much of the world views this act as an unnecessary blatant act of war and we don't want war. Trump and Nettie are layin' it all on the line here, and you know it.

  12. I know no such thing. What should they be "laying on the line"?

  13. Something so silly as peace on earth, good will to unchosen men, but Nettie, Trump and your ilk did nothing but berate the most recent attempts at that. Peace on earth, good will towards the great mass of the unchosen has been deferred because we know we got a kick ass military and we think we're checkmating the enemy now. This may well be a fight we will win, but at what cost? That's always been the central issue for America in this fight.

  14. Speaking of border crossings, we've once again entered Silly Land. I ask for specifics about a particular action, and I get some vague reference to "peace on earth."

  15. Sure it's silly to your ilk, but many others since Worls War I have been working hard and praying for that same feckless goal spoken of by the angels all those wars and inhumanitiea ago.

  16. I saw your Facebook thread complaining about those who comment on your blog. Which means mainly me and the numerous people I brought there. This is my final post here. You should be relieved. Just know that you don't know my intentions nor will you ever. So long.
