Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tuesday roundup

Who couldn't see this one coming? University of Missouri is closing two dorms due to the fact that freshman enrollment is down by 1500 students.

And Ben Carson isn't doing the Squirrel-Hair campaign any favors by telling anti-S-H radio talkshow host Krista Kafer that he'd be a #NeverTrump guy, too, if the stakes weren't so high for his grandkids.

Were you aware of the existence of a field of deeply serious academic inquiry called vegan sexuality?

Mark Perry at AEI demolishes the notion that women don't get "equal pay," whatever that means. You see,

it’s based on the false assumption that women get paid 23% less than men for doing exactly the same work in the exact same occupations and careers, working side-by-side with men on the same job for the same organization, working the same number of hours per week, traveling the same amount of time for work obligations, with the same exact work experience and education, with exactly the same level of productivity, etc. In other words, the AAUW, NCPE, progressives, and gender activists falsely assume that employers all across America are using coupons like the one above to get a 23% wage discount for every woman they hire, and it’s that rampant, unjust and blatant gender discrimination that is the culprit behind the gender pay gap.
For example, Sen. Gary Peters (MI-D) said at this time last year that(emphasis mine): “Today, April 14th marks Equal Pay Day, the date by which women have made up for the wage discrimination they suffered during the previous year.” That’s complete statistical nonsense.
The reality is that you can only find a 23% gender pay gap by comparing raw, aggregate, unadjusted full-time median salaries, i.e. when you control for NOTHING that would help explain gender differences in salaries like:
  1. Hours Worked: The average man working full-time worked almost two more hours per week in 2014 compared to the average woman, see my analysis here.
  1. Type of Work: As I reported a few days ago, men represented 92.3% of workplace fatalities in 2014 (and the male share of job-related deaths has been consistently that high in every previous year) because men far outnumber women in the most dangerous, but higher-paying occupations like logging, mining and roofing that have the greatest probability of job-related injury or death. In contrast, women, more than men, show a demonstrated preference for lower risk occupations with greater workplace safety and comfort, and they are frequently willing to accept lower wages for the greater safety and reduced probability of work-related injury or death.
  1. Marriage and Motherhood: a) single women who have never married earned nearly 94% of male earnings in 2014; b) more women than men leave the labor force temporarily for child birth, child care and elder care, and c) women, especially working mothers, tend to value “family friendly” workplace policies more than men, according this Department of Labor study.
Most economic studies that control for all of those variables conclude that gender discrimination accounts for only a very small fraction of gender pay differences, and may not even be a statistically significant factor at all. For example, as Andrew Biggs and I pointed out in a 2014 WSJ op-ed:
In a comprehensive study that controlled for most of the relevant labor market variables simultaneously—such as that from economists June and Dave O’Neill for the American Enterprise Institute in 2012—nearly all of the 23% raw gender pay gap cited by the UUAW can be attributed to factors other than discrimination. The O’Neills conclude that, “labor market discrimination is unlikely to account for more than 5% but may not be present at all.”
On Equal Pay Day, when groups like the AAUW and NCPE point to a 23% unadjusted gender pay gap and demand that the pay gap be completely closed, what they are really saying is that they want women to:
  • Work longer hours on average like men do;
  • Work in riskier, less safe occupations like logging and commercial fishing like men do where the chances of getting injured or killed are much greater;
  • Work in more physically demanding occupations like farming, construction, roofing, logging and working on oil rigs, where they’d be working alongside men outside in 100 degree weather in the summer and below zero weather in the winter;
  • Accept fewer jobs in family-friendly workplace environments like teaching elementary school that coincide with their children’s schedules (with summers off, etc.), and accept more jobs in less family-friendly workplace environments like being an over-the-road truck driver or being an oil field worker.
  • Take less time off, or no time off, for child birth and child care to minimize their time away from the labor force that might affect their earnings.
LITD has disagreed with Roger L. Simon quite a bit recently (over Squirrel-Hair), but he's spot-on in saying that the Most Equal Comrade's interview with Chris Wallace shows that he is nothing less than a national security risk.

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