Tuesday, April 3, 2012

He'll be giving it to us straight from now on

It's pretty clear to anyone that the Most Equal Comrade has turned up the stridency and combativeness - not to mention intellectual vulgarity and disingenuousness - in his recent pronouncements. There was the 'you're-on-your-own'-economics'doesn't-work speech at the University of Vermont. There was the implied threat to the Supreme Court over the FHer-care invidivual mandate, with its clear "Justice-Kennedy-will-you-really-be-able-to-sleep-at-night-if-you-take-away-the-coverage-of-the-newly-covered" message. Now, there's his speech at the Associated Press luncheon at which he calls Paul Ryan's budget "thinly veiled social Darwinism".

One thing to remember about the MEC, and we've noted it here at LITD before, is that he's not stupid. He's no genius, probably not even one of the twenty most intelligent presidents we've ever had, but he's not an idiot. His intellectually muddled assertions, such as that the Supreme Court deliberation over the individual mandate is about whether some particular type of American demographic does or does not get health care, or that we've been on the right track with stimulus spending, which was the implied message behind his "out-of-a-job?-you're-on-your-own-according-to-the-Republicans" utterance, are deliberate confusions of the issue.

He knows the individual mandate is unconstitutional. He knows government can't create jobs. He knows we're headed for national bankruptcy and economic collapse.

All this "shared responsibility" / "brother's keeper" / "common purpose" rhetoric is designed to make the individual American citizen devalue his own ability to choose his or her own course of action, to define his or her own vision of a well-lived life, to diminish his or her own sense of life's possibilities.

Leftism represents a stunted view of human development. It's based on resentment. The MEC certainly embodies this. His parents and mentors all inculcated in him the notion that what normal, freedom-cherishing people call achievement is an act of greed. He thinks that it is the supreme arrogance to suppose that you, as an individual, can envision a great contribution to human advancement - and expect to profit from it - and set about making that vision a reality.

He doesn't "sort of" embrace this. He's not a mildly annoying liberal. He's our worst nightmare. He believes this stuff as surely as you and I treasure basic liberty, common sense and invididual dignity.

He's not trying to sugar-coat anything anymore. He's not even waiting for reelection to let us know where he's really coming from.

The alternative to the MEC is still being hashed out, but we know what one of our two choices as a nation is.

If we're smart, we'll henceforth consider every syllable that comes out of his Marxist mouth a warning.

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