Sunday, April 1, 2012

"An existential threat"

That's how a former Marine strike planner characterizes what the MEC regime is to the survival of Israel in the wake of the leaked information about Azerbaijan granting Israel permission to use its airfields in an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities.


  1. What he is saying is that Obama is israel's enemy. We have heard such belly aching before. Clearly we told Netanyahu no not now. What part of that doesn't he get? Our secy of state shared harsh words on Iraq this very day. Does she lie?

  2. "No, not now" is despicalble enough - Where do we get off telling another country, particularly one of our closest allies - that it can't determine when there's a mortal threat to its existence? - but leaking communications between two other countries in order to prevent them from defending themselves from an evil neighbor is so loathesome that it tarnishes the honor of the United States.

  3. Like the trevon case, all facts are not known at present. I am confident in the course our state dept is taking and if Nettie don't like it he can return the nukes. I definitely do not march to his premptive drum. Our backs have gone to the walls for Israel to our detriment for decades. I am an American, not on Israeli, though their universal health care is worth them fighting for them, lol..

  4. You cite a former marine strike planner. The marines have engaged in some rather loathsome behavior of their own. I shake my head when I see their few the proud billboards littering the highways. They definitely need to search the soul of their corps.
