Thursday, December 14, 2017

Thursday roundup

Bernie Marcus at The Hill on how the Left's attempt to portray the latest iteration of the tax bill as an evisceration of the middle class is a whole lot of hooey.

Abigail Tracy at Vanity Fair says that Nikki Haley's response ("they should be heard") to a question about DJT's sexual-predation accusers is a deft blend of principle and political ambition.

Trey Gowdy rips assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein six ways from Sunday when the latter testifies before the House Judiciary Committee:

Gowdy opens this way:
There are a lot of issues I’d like to ask you about, Mr. Deputy Attorney General. We had the terrorist incident in New York this week. We have 702 reauthorization that is pending in Congress. Gun violence. The opioid epidemic. Criminal justice reform. But when I go home to South Carolina this weekend, trust me when I tell you that no one is going to ask me about any of those issues. They’re going to ask me what in the hell is going on with the Department of Justice and the FBI.
And then he launches:
The reason we have special counsel is because of a conflict of interest…We don’t like conflicts of interest because it undermines people’s confidence in both the process and the result…There was either a real or preceived conflict of interest that would either impact the result or people’s confidence in the process…And then, lo and behold, those that are supposed to make sure there are no conflicts of interest seem to have a bit of their own.
The Senate's vote to confirm Texas Supreme Court Justice Don Willett as a Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals judge is an excellent, excellent thing. Great life story, great education path, great sense of humor and a solid track record of fealty to the Constitution.

The "A"CA turns out to be not so A: 36 percent of the program's enrollees without subsidies ar set to pay $1000 in premiums or more.


  1. This great & marvelous tax bill Trump is panting to cram up us every bit as passionately and hurriedly as the Dems were to shove the ACA at us, has 0 bipartisan support. Recipe for disaster at your proverbial gunpoint?

  2. You've read my posts on it. Way too convoluted, which comes from trying to satisfy all manner of special interests. Freedom is always elegantly simple.

  3. Pubs playing a game of tit for tat, admitting the cramming but claiming turn-about. Revenge is a dish best served cold, so this will backfire, you know it will. I see corporations continuing to invest their new found cash in AI not people. They'll claim they have to to compete.
