Thursday, January 25, 2024

Mitch McConnell goes all in as the Very Stable Genius's eunuch

 The Senate Minority Leader stands at the corner of Cynical and Cowardly to publicly announce the abrupt reversal of his view on a bipartisan package that addresses the US southern border as well as aid for Ukraine:

In a private Senate Republican meeting on Ukraine, McConnell said effectively that time and the political will to pass a bipartisan immigration and border security compromise are quickly running out — and may have actually run out already.

McConnell told GOP senators that before border security talks began, immigration policy united Republicans and Ukraine aid divided them. “Politics on this have changed,” McConnell said of solving the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border. That’s because former President Donald Trump wants to run his 2024 campaign focusing on immigration.

“We don’t want to do anything to undermine him,” McConnell said of Trump, a one-time collaborator turned nemesis.

This is a big about-face for McConnell, who earlier this week said Congress needs to pass the border security bill and unlock billions of dollars in new Ukraine aid.

On the floor Wednesday, McConnell asserted that supporting Ukraine was a matter of “cold hard American interest.” But the Kentucky Republican made his own cold political calculation later in the day that the scheme he had been relentlessly pushing for weeks was in jeopardy and a new approach was needed.

Got that? "We don't want to do anything to undermine him." He's decided that it's more important to give Squirrel Hair a talking point for the remainder of this election cycle than to get going on solution to the thousands of illegal immigrants pouring across the border weekly. And aid for Ukraine, a West-friendly European nation that had its sovereignty suddenly and brutally violated, remains flapping in the breeze for the foreseeable future.

I guess what McConnell had to say in his February 2021 Senate floor speech about Trump being "morally responsible" for the Capitol riot the previous month was a lot of hooey. Is anything he's ever said anything other than hooey? How would we be able to tell?

Ted Cruz, who got a double dose of humiliation from the VSG in 2016 in the form of getting his wife called ugly and his dad accused of conspiring to assassinate JFK, now wants to talk tough about what a bad deal it would be immigration-wise:

“This supplemental bill is a kamikaze plane in a box canyon with no exit headed for a trainwreck,” quipped Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.

Gee, it looks to me like it has some teeth:

The deal – which has not yet been finalized – would reportedly make it harder for migrants to claim asylum, make it easier for U.S. officials to deport migrants who have remained in the country illegally, expand detention capacity and add Border Patrol staff.

Add this cynical calculation to the zeal with which Tim Scott and Marco Rubio have lined up to publicly fellate the VSG.

Cowards, loonies and sycophants. The entire Republican Party is now given over to them.  


1 comment:

  1. Over 3 years of unrelenting border crisis under Hussein Obama's 3.0. not going to give him anything to claim heading into 24' elections!
