Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Student loan forgiveness - initial thoughts

 1.) I have to believe a court case over this will happen sooner rather than later. Biden has not offered even a  flimsy attempt at justifying a purely executive-branch move. Congress was completely sidelined.

2.) It encourages a shrugging-off-responsibility mindset throughout our society. Now that the precedent has been set, how long is it before progressive policy types start opining that car loans and home loans need forgiving? It erodes the principle at the heart of the free market: that an economic transaction occurs when two parties, a buyer and seller, agree on the value of the good or service to bee exchanged, and each understands the obligations he or she is undertaking.

3.) Why is college so expensive? Look at the rate of growth of administrative staff over the last 40 years compared to that of faculty. 

4.) Expect that trend to continue. Insitutions of higher learning, or whatever it is they're dispensing these days, have been given a green light.

1 comment:

  1. Such brilliant, brief, honestly coherent to most anyone- analysis of this situation . Thank you
