A public school administrator in Indiana went viral after posting a video explaining that Indiana schools are teaching Critical Race Theory and intentionally deceiving concerned parents about whether or not their children are being subjected to it.
"When we tell you that our schools aren’t teaching Critical Race Theory, that it’s nowhere in our standards, that’s misdirection," Indianapolis district science coordinator, instructional coach, and administrator Tony Kinnett posted on Twitter Thursday.
Kinnett explained that he is an administrator in the largest school district in Indiana which means he is present in "dozens of classrooms a week" so he "sees exactly what we are teaching our students."
"We don’t have the quotes and theories as state standards per se," Kinnett said. "We do have Critical Race Theory in how we teach."
Kinnett continued, "We tell our teachers to treat our students differently based on color. We tell our students every problem is a result of ‘white men’ and that everything Western Civilization built is racist. Capitalism is a tool of white supremacy. Those are straight out of Kimberle Crenshaw’s main points verbatim in ‘Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings that Formed the Movement.’"
Kinnett added that the controversial curriculum is embedded in all subjects from math, to science, to history.
"When schools tell you we aren’t teaching Critical Race Theory it means one thing," Kinnett said. "Go away and look into our affairs no further."
"Parents, when we tell you Critical Race Theory isn't taught in our schools, we're lying, keep looking," Kinnett said at the end of the video.
In a Twitter thread, Kinnett posted screenshots of emails he says show school officials instructing teachers to tell parents Critical Race Theory is not taught in schools along with slides from a presentation acknowledging that it is indeed taught in schools.
When asked if he feared possible retribution for speaking out against Critical Race Theory Kinnett told Fox News Digital that his concern for students and parents outweighed that fear.
"I’m not trying to be grandiose but if not me then who?" Kinnett said. "Somebody has to tell the Indianapolis parents that this stuff is going on. I put up with a lot but lying to parents about what we do so that they don’t even have a choice to get their kids out of the district?"
To be sure, he didn't just formulate his views on the fly last week. He founded The Chalkboard Review, a venue for thoughtful exchange about the prospects for education's future. It's kind of amazing to think that he got his administrator gig and keeps it, given his understanding of, and willingness to speak out about, what's been happening.
We could use a hefty dose of his courage in our smaller downstate city, where the school board is cooking up a five-year master plan that inserts "equity" and "diversity" into every aspect that it can. Board members have waxed enthusiastic about implicit bias workshops for years. The city's human rights department would dearly love to see the 1619 Project inform curriculum in a number of fields.
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