Saturday, April 21, 2018

Dem grandstanding on Pompeo is pure gotcha politics

The comment thread underneath the post immediately below this one basically consists of a commenter expressing his loathing for Trump due to Trump's very obvious character shortcomings, a view pretty close to my own, and my response that that is all the more reason to see to it that he is surrounded by the most sober-minded, principled and consistent advisors that can be found.

We have that in Mike Pompeo, who has an engineering degree, a law degree, a record of distinguished Army service, and who founded and ran an aerospace machining company. He's been CIA chief for about a year, and now he's the nominee for Secretary of State.

There is no good reason to oppose his nomination, and Dem attempts to offer one ring very hollow:

n the coming months, President Trump will have to deal with the fallout from his strike on Syria, the growing conflict between Israel and Iran, the future of the Iran nuclear agreement, Chinese belligerence toward Taiwan, the planned summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, and whatever unexpected international crises that erupt. Even if you accept the critique of Trump as someone who has no fixed worldview, little in the way of principle, and is dangerously enamored of the "madman" theory of strategic ambiguity, you would therefore want him, it seems to me, to be surrounded by personnel who are experienced, knowledgeable, capable, and steadfast—individuals who can serve as ballast, who can tether the president to geopolitical reality.
The slightest glance at Pompeo's official biography is enough to confirm that he is such a man. How many senators, Republican or Democrat, graduated at the top of their class at West Point, served as a cavalry officer, graduated from Harvard Law School and edited the Harvard Law Review, then went on to become a successful businessman? These are precisely the qualities that led the Senate in January 2017 to confirm Pompeo as CIA director in a bipartisan 66-32 vote.
A position in which, by the high standards of administration critics, Pompeo has excelled. "When it came to representing the judgments of the CIA, he was scrupulous," former CIA director Michael Hayden, no friend of Trump's, said recently. "I've seen no indication whatsoever that he's done anything but fairly describe what it is his analysts believe to be true and that includes the hypercharged, politically sensitive third-rail issue of what the Russians did in 2016."
So Pompeo is credentialed, succeeded in a tough position, and represented intelligence straightforwardly to President Trump. And yet none of this is enough for the Democrats, including those who supported Pompeo's nomination for CIA director, for the specious reason that the president shouldn't have a secretary of state who agrees with him. The Senate Democrats are operating under the assumption that it is disqualifying for a nominee to hold views shared by the duly elected president and majorities in both houses of Congress. They say Pompeo is too hawkish, despite his personal meeting with Kim Jong Un. Or they say Pompeo is dishonest for not revealing to them his classified visit to North Korea. Or they attack Pompeo for holding the same position on same-sex marriage as Barack Obama circa 2012. Or they worry that Pompeo is too worried about Islamism, and not worried enough about climate change. Next they'll complain that he's never donated to Planned Parenthood.
Yes, it's true: Mike Pompeo is not a liberal Democrat. Knock me over with a feather.
Of course, the real reason Democrats are circling the wagons against this nomination has nothing to do with Pompeo's politics. It's because the Democrats recognize the political weakness of the Trump administration ahead of the midterm elections and want to cripple it further. But have they paused for a moment to consider what might happen if their wish is granted and Pompeo is not confirmed? Who do they think Trump will nominate then? Lena Dunham?
More likely, Trump, as he has done in other areas of the bureaucracy for the last 16 months, won't nominate anyone at all. He will leave the office of secretary of state unfilled while he and Pompeo manage diplomacy from the Oval Office and Langley, respectively. What this scenario achieves for the Democrats or the country, I do not know.
Now, back to the fact that Trump is objectionable as president, which he is. That's not the issue here. The issue is the power-mad nature of the contemporary Democrat party. They'd be doing this to cabinet nominees if we had any other Republican in the Oval Office.

1 comment:

  1. As a party, Dems will make a lot of noise but -- barring any revelations of sleazy Pruitt-like scandals -- they probably will not block Pompeo. If they do, however, I can only remind Regressive Extremists they were warned the much, much, much worse GOP obstruction that President Obama was shown would eventually come home to roost. Cheers. :o)
