Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A major smackdown for FHer-care

Tom Blumer at PJ Media says that while Ohio's ballot issue number two, which opened public-sector organized labor back up to collective bargaining, got the lion's share of the lamestream media coverage today, issue three, which hardwires the assertion that no one can be made to buy a product as a condition of citizenship in to Ohio's constitution, was at least as noteworthy, probably more so.


  1. You know why the coverage has to be mandatory for everyone dontcha? Go ahead, repeal, but keep your promise to replace. And keep your mitts (unless it's Romney) off my Medicare which = have paid into and will be eligible for in 3 years and 36K for my 60ish health care premiums later. Man, that,s a pretty nice car. For someone else...

  2. Just remember when you start getting your Medicare: most of it was borrowed, and the rest was seized from your fellow citizens at gunpoint.

  3. So you would choose your coverage during your decline unto dotage from the private market which of course proscribea risks likely to have a claim and prices premiums accordingly, I.e., prohibitively? Medicare is social insurance and I did not view my premium payments as seizure at gunpoint. We are in this worldwide financial mess largely because of private carriers taking premium for risks they ultinately could not cover. They gambled withdefault swaps and we all lost.
