Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The national school walkout is everything sick about post-America

Let's peel back the layers of the onion.

First, there's the fact that these adolescents need to have their asses in classrooms, learning algebra and Shakespeare and physics and American history. There are only so many days in a school year, and the K - 12 years whiz by so fast. Squandering any of that precious time on moral preening and self-congratulation for being caaaaarrrring souls comes at the expense of making sure they're prepared for college-level education, which they're not anyway.

Then there's the acquiescence of the school administrations. Last I checked, they had the authority to prohibit mass truancy.

Then there's the question of who goaded these snot-nosed hand-wringers. From what I can tell, it must have been cooked up by the equally obnoxious Women's March people. That outfit's website is where one finds the itemized "demands." No doubt the most ate-up among the high-schoolers, such as this Hogg character, were involved in the mobilization and logistics, but some older people (the term grownups doesn't not apply here) had to be involved.

Then there's Demand Number Four from that website, with its use of "disproportionately affect[ing] black and brown communities" rhetoric, perpetuating the notion that there's some kind of systemic bigotry on the part of the entity in our society that serves as the bulwark against total chaos.

Then there's the puke-inducing proceedings at the actual walkout rallies. In New York, elementary-school kids sang "Put A Little Love In Your Heart."

Then there's the imparting of some kind of nobility to people of a certain age bracket just because they're in that age bracket. This is something that got started at the dawn of rock and roll's permeation of our society, with all those turbulent-youth movies like Blackboard Jungle and Rebel Without a Cause, as well as Alan Freed's pronouncements about teenagers being the greatest people in the world. It continued with all that "there's-a-whole-generation-with-a-new-expalanation" preening, and on into the punk and grunge eras.

Finally, there's the perpetuation of this notion that some kind of collective, macro-level effort to "do something" can eliminate the statistic inevitability of our occasionally encountering evil. It reduces us to wards of the state. It's an attempt to deny the nature of this fallen world.

Oh, one more thing. The camel's nose is now inside the tent. How long will it be before the next "noble" excuse to skip school gets official blessing?

Oh, one more thing. Students who think this is silly / wrongheaded feel free to express their views now, but how long will it be until they are shouted down, hounded out of classrooms and threatened?

This is how a civilization crumbles. If these self-important little dweebs think they're not safe now, wait until they're living in the final stages of the anarchy they're ushering in.


  1. A lot more evidence for our civilization crumbling came exactly one month prior.

  2. I think you know what happened on 2/14/2018. You were young once. You don't think you would have been upset at the country we live in that "experiences" mass murder on a pretty damned regular basis? Sure they can't do anything about it but bitch, but bitch they will. The future is theirs not ours.

  3. No, the bigger evidence was this week.
