Thursday, November 10, 2016

They speak for me

What Ben says:

I have said for months that Trump could prove me wrong. He certainly has every opportunity to do so. He enters with a majority of Republicans in the Senate. He enters with a majority of Republicans in the House. He enters with an open Supreme Court seat, a vast majority of GOP state legislatures, and a vast majority of GOP governors. Now is the time for the vast change Trump promised.
That will require Donald Trump to change as a human being. That doesn’t mean he should lose his fighting nature – I’ve praised that for years. It doesn’t mean that he should stop channeling the outrage of Americans. But bad men never become better men when handed power, and Donald Trump was just handed the leadership of the most powerful country in the history of humanity. Will Trump feel freed from the boundaries set on him by the strictures of a presidential race? Or will Trump be elevated by his office?
I sincerely hope that it is the latter. I plan to hold him accountable if it’s the former. As I have for the entirety of the election cycle, I will praise Trump when he deserves it; I will criticize him when he does not. For the sake of America and conservatism, I hope I have nothing but praise for President-elect Donald Trump.
Shapiro warns of the "halo effect." Pubs need to guard against a giddiness that would overlook Squirrel-Hair's inevitable departures from recognizably conservative policies. As we know, this was a huge factor during the election cycle, and it's dangerous. No blank checks.

What Mona says:

Trump has frightening, undemocratic impulses. He admires strongmen. But -- perhaps this is a saving grace -- he also has a notoriously short attention span. The great challenge for Republicans will be to oppose him if (when?) he strays in dangerous directions as president, whether in restricting civil liberties, undermining international alliances, inaugurating devastating trade wars, or casting aside constitutional restraints on executive power. This will be the most difficult of trials for Republican officeholders, because their constituents will not thank them for it, only their posterity.
May God grant all the charity and grace to navigate the uncharted waters we're in.
As I've stressed in two other posts today, a key to checking S-H's unsavory characteristics is a robust, proactive Congress. If every there was a time for Hill Pubs to throw off the shackles, spit out the Potomac water and rock this nation, it's this coming January.


  1. Newtie already says Trump's wall boasts were mere campaign rhetoric. Hmm, that takes a few of the deplorables out now don't it, maybe even you. And don't be surprised if over half the country is not prepared to be rocked.

    It turns out that Democrats also got more votes for the U.S. Senate than Republicans, and yet Republicans maintained their majority on Capitol Hill.

    In results that are still preliminary, 45.2 million Americans cast a vote for a Democratic Senate candidate, while 39.3 million Americans voted for a Republican. (In the White House race, as of Thursday afternoon, Clinton had 60.1 million votes and Trump had 59.8 million.)

    No way this is any frigging mandate, Pubbies, and you can imagine how Trump's insulting ways are going to play in China and other countries where he has promised to clean house with his great American great broom. The protesters today are acting on old news and the old news is that Trump is a lying demagogue, who bullies and insults his way to power. Lots of Pubs have already been violated and are now presenting their posteriors for a rewarding poke in the form of a yob. Christie, Newtie, Rudie? Outsiders? Gimme a break!

  2. The numbers are the mandate. Full speed ahead with lower tax rates, replacing the "A"CA, adopting a grownup''s energy policy, and rendering the Ira "agreement" null and void!

  3. How are the numbers the mandate. More voted against Trump than against Hillie. Dems outvoted Pubs in national popular vote. There is no mandate and there will be every bit as much resistance to Trump and other Pub (now he's their big buddy) legislation as Pub resistance lasted for 8 long years. Wait till he calls for another Kent State....

  4. Gonna rock this globe some nite....

  5. Love to read the Donnie go tweet tweet tweet....


  7. Law & Order, boys, Stop & Frisk

  8. Here's how the numbers are the mandate: Pubs go on a public-information campaign regarding the four issues I cite above. Hold town halls in their districts / states. Mailings. Television appearances. Op-eds. They put out feelers to see how many Dems can be peeled off. They anticipate roadblocks such as Dem filibusters. And then they craft their laws and vote in committees, and then on the floors of the respective chambers. And, if it's all done well, we roll back the tyranny.

  9. Here's why your Daily Kos ink is full of shit: There is nothing racist about AZ SB 10. Its intent was to find and apprehend illegal aliens. Period. That shit about "can you imagine your family walking down the street and being thrown in jail on the suspicion that maybe you don't belong?" The law says that request to see papers can only be made during a lawful stop or arrest based on other suspicions. Weeks after ginned-up controversy about it had been stewing, Rasmussen did a poll of AZ residents and found it still popular by 64 to 30. Gov Brewer's popularity had also shot up during that time.

  10. Re: what the Politico article is talking about: we shall see how those appointments go. LITD never has been and never will be a Squirrel Hair cheerleading site. We push for seeing conservative principles applied. That is all.
