Sunday, February 2, 2014

The fruits of this regime's pathetic excuse for a foreign policy

The Assad regime in Syria appears to be violating - or at least seriously dragging its feet regarding - the agreement for it to hand over its chemical-weapons stockpile.  The White House and the State Department so far have had pretty mealy-mouthed responses.


  1. Ride 'em cowboy, if you can:

  2. Not so fast, bloggie, you may get some fireworks yet:

    In a closed-door meeting, two senators say, the Secretary of State admitted to them that he no longer believes the administration’s approach to the crisis in Syria is working. Peace talks have failed, he conceded, and now it's time to arm the moderate opposition—before local al Qaeda fighters try to attack the United States.


  3. And Clapper says those al-Qaeda guys are undoubtedly cooking up attacks on the American homeland

  4. Well let's place invading Syria on the way back burner. Some don't think we did everything perfectly in Afghanistan.


  5. We never do anything perfectly, but we must always be ready to see to our national security and the ongoing viability of Western civilization.

  6. My comment was a gross understatement. Oh yeah, warring within, without Western Civ. Win some, lose some. I'd yawn but for the tears and fears. War gets our juices flowin though more and more just say no as time goes on. A bullet between the cold clear eyes of the military industrial complex and to each his/her own conscience I say.

  7. This is about the time Ronnie cut and ran in the Middle East, do you find it pathetic?

    Sending Marines to Lebanon for such an imprecise and unachievable end-state was a tremendous mistake. Reagan's decision to tacitly admit that it was a U.S. foreign-policy failure, and to then undertake corrective actions, was an admirable trait rarely seen in poilcymakers or presidents.

  8. And Dutch's missteps in that situation say what about the current juncture? Spell out your position. Are you pleased that Assad will likely survive, so that his alliance with Iran, which is sending warships to the US coast, and is about to get a nuclear bomb, is strengthened? That Russia, as in Putin, will take advantage of this situation?

  9. Just says that he cut and ran, that's all and that should be some precedent there somewhere. I am no more pleased with current developments than I have been with past developments, including our response to them. You are a hawk and I am a dove. Doves do all they can to prevent war not start them. Hindsight is always 20/20 though. And obviously you know way more about this rather boring yet distressing situation so you could kick my ass in a debate I presume when I wax dovish. I believe in love. I believe in statecraft....

  10. Are you in bed with this Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA)?

    "If you have to hit Iran, you don't put American boots on the ground, you do it with tactical nuclear weapons and you set them back a decade or two or three," asserted Hunter, a member of the House Armed Services Committee.

