Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Leviathan in junior's lunch sack

This is a little bit funny, but mostly chilling. This is for real: a North Carolina pre-schooler has her home-bagged lunch, which consisted of a turkey-and-cheese sandwich, a banana, potato chips and apple juice, seized by a federal agent right there in the school dining area because it didn't meet USDA guidelines.

The enemy now demands a look into the nation's lunch bags.

This is war.


  1. Is this the same enemy that has been busting pot smokers for over 50 years? The enemy who intensifed the drug war in the 80s which led to the incartion rate that exceeds all countries on the globe?

  2. No, it's an actual enemy - a political party that has been taken over by revolutionary socialists who hold the commonly held notion of the United States of America in disdain.

    That government you are asking about was merely enforcing existing drug laws that, for some reason, no sufficient majority cares to overturn.

  3. So are you freedom lovers going to finally overturn at least the draconian aspects hof the Reagan era intensification of the quite largely failed drug war? Why should we trust you, given your track record too?

  4. Maybe, after we deal with Iran's nuclear program, Iran's alliance with Venezuela, the Egyptian hostage crisis, European financial collapse, our own debt and deficit catastrophe, the unfunded liability of the big three entitlements, the government assault on religious liberty, wasted government funds on "green" energy, and the propaganda machine that public education has become.

  5. Just goes to show you how hard it is to repeal stuff once it's enacted into law. Reagan's legacy is a horror to freedom lovers in this country. I don't trust you guys either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "There is little debate about it: Reagan's drug policy legacy is and was a disaster. For all the people contacted by DRCNet for this article which included both critics and admirers of the Reagan presidency overall the question was not whether Reagan's drug policies were bad, but how bad and how much of the blame he shares with others. To drug reformers, the Reagan-era represented a traumatic disappointment, a time when the nation hurtled down a path of massive suffering, waste and injustice."

    From: http://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle-old/341/reagan.shtml

  6. If you were able to ask the Pub prez candidates, at a debate setting, any question, given all the front-burner crises this country faces at this moment, would it be, "What is your marijuana policy?"

  7. No, would yours be "what is your school lunch policy?"please ask so I can segue into the drug thing. Look, don't talk about how wonderful Ronnie was for freedom in America when he trashed the freedom of millions of AMERICANS WHO WERE DUBIOUSLY HARMING ONLY THEMSELVES, AND THAT'S A SRETCH. Now rage on phonies...
