Friday, January 13, 2012

It doesn't rise to the level of an atrocity

Two pieces that speak for my take on the Marines-peeing-on-Taliban-bodies dust-up:

Michael Ledeen at PJ Media and Bookworm Room.

This over-the-top reaction by Panetta and Hillary is not constructive.


  1. I've pissed in a lot of rivers but never on dead bodies. May their souls be damned to hell if they don't repent. I spent some time in the military and you might be shocked at the disrespect and gross behaviour that goes on there. any way you cut it, this pissing on the enemy (in a country we invaded and have remained for over a decade) is not going to endear us to our enemies or even our friends. What would you think if a video of some Muslim shit pissing on our dead? Oh, I know, it's your military, not America's, so far be it from me to criticize your boys now.

    Is that his dick or his finger there?

  2. Marine in Hell

    A Marine dies in combat and wakes up to find he is in hell. He's really depressed as he stands in the processing line waiting to talk to an admittance counselor. He thinks to himself I know I lead a wild life but, Hell, I'm a Marine. We're expected to live wild lives. I wasn't that bad. I never thought it would come to this. " Looking up he sees that it is his turn to be processed into hell. With fear and heavy heart, he walks up to the counselor.

    Counselor: What's the problem, you look depressed?

    Marine: Well, what do you think? I'm in hell.

    Counselor: Hell's not so bad; we actually have a lot of fun. Do you like to drink?

    Marine: Of course I do. I'm a Marine.

    Counselor: Well then, you are going to love Mondays, On Mondays we drink up a storm. You can have whiskey, rum, tequila, beer, whatever you want and as much you want. We party all night long. You'll love Mondays. Do you smoke?

    Marine: Yes, as a matter of fact I do.

    Counselor: You are going to love Tuesdays. Tuesday is smoke day. You get to smoke the finest cigars and best cigarettes available anywhere. And you smoke to your heart's desire without worrying about cancer because you are already dead! Is that great or what? You are going to love Tuesdays. Do you like to fight?

    Marine: Of course I do. I'm a Marine!

    Counselor: You are going to love Wednesdays. That's Fighting Day. We challenge each other to fights to see who's the toughest in Hell. You don't have to worry about getting hurt or killed, because you're already dead. You are going to love Wednesdays. Do you gamble?

    Marine: Show me a Marine who doesn't!

    Counselor: You are going to love Thursdays, because we gamble all day and night. Black jack, craps, poker, slots, horse races, everything! You are going to love Thursdays. Are you gay?

    Marine: Of course, not! I'm a Marine!

    Counselor: Oh, you're going to hate Fridays

  3. WWRUMMIE DO? Boys will be boys? Wouldn't you love that brouhaha? The entire corps will pay. And of course it will pick further away at your beloved doctrine of preemptivity. Exceptional indeed! Spreead the love.

  4. Whatever. The pieces I link to put the whole thing in proper perspective.

  5. Guess it's not cool in your circles to be outraged. Perhaps you'll get your military back next Jan, but if the Commander in Chief is either Obama or Romney I expect to have to listen to 4 more years of carping about how it's past midnight.

  6. I like the way you try to portray your Democrat enemies Hillary Clinton and Leon Panetta as being wrong in their response. You trip me out, oh you of the correct views on everything.

  7. Panetta and Hillary are absolutely horrible foreign-policy figures in this regime. They are still pressuring Isreal to "talk to the Palestinians" and quit developing suburbs around Jersusalem. They are still orchestrating secret talks with the Taliban. They are in willful denial about the Iranian threat. Now, there's some stuff to get outraged about.

  8. Folks ranging from Dana Loesch to Mark Levin to Bill Maher have no problem at all with a little enemy-corpse-pissing:

    You see, the Taliban is our enemy. Not part of the rest of humanity with which we deal in a variety of ways. There's only one way to deal with an enemy.
